TASKS: The District Board manages and administers the work of the District, including Camp Bethel, as authorized by District Conference. The Board is the legal agent of the District, empowered to act and carry out business during the time between District Conferences except for actions specifically reserved for District Conference as per the District’s Constitution. The Board is made up of thirty elected members, called to represent all areas of the District, as well as the whole district (At Large). Through an internal re-organization process, usually at District Conference, these elected members choose the Board Chair and Vice-Chair, Commission Chairs, and the makeup of each Commission.
The Board is made up of four Commissions: Nurture, Witness, Ministry, and Stewardship, two representatives from the Outdoor Ministries Committee (OMC) and one representative of the New Church Development Committee (NCDC). The Outdoor Ministries Committee is chosen by a combination of Board appointment and Conference election. The New Church Development Committee is appointed by the District Board. Each Commission is made up of a chair, vice-chair and secretary and usually four or five other members. An Executive Committee, made up of the Board Chair, Vice-Chair, four Commission Chairs, OMC Chair, NCDC chair, and ex-officio persons, meets in advance of each Board meeting to prepare the agenda.
The Commission on Nurture handles music and worship, religious education, fellowship, recreation, spiritual growth, health and wholeness. The Commission on Witness works in all areas of mission and outreach including evangelism, disaster service, and ecumenicity. The Commission on Ministry oversees all areas relating to the function of pastoral ministry including training, credentials, recruitment, supervision and evaluation. The Commission on Stewardship oversees all financial and property matters for the District, including funds collection and disbursement (through the appointed District Treasurer and Financial Secretary), stewardship education, and capital development. It also holds in trust all local and District properties and assets for the denomination. The Outdoor Ministries Committee is responsible for all issues related to Camp Bethel (program, facilities, staff, funds management, etc.).
TIME COMMITMENT: Board members are elected for a three-year term with eligibility for one succeeding three year term. The Board currently meets four times each year beginning with a Retreat at Camp Bethel in January followed by Saturday meetings in March, June, and September (usually the third Saturday). Commissions meet at least quarterly in advance of Board meetings, as does the Executive Committee. All Board members are expected to attend their Commission meetings and all Board meetings.